12a7 Unshown To Date
Now living with Joan Wade



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Gemkin CuddleMeSoftly is a beautiful sweet natured boy crying out for affection, he is very much like his father, only happy when he has human attention.

 I have high hopes for Cuddles and hopefully he will follow in his Mums pawsteps on the show bench.

I am sure that with his Mum's class and his Father's delicious deep eye colour, that he will be sure to win a few judges over.


Gemkin Sweet Caress (12a7)
Sharamka GuestworkUsa (12a7) Gemkin Rosy Ribbons (2cc's)
CFA Champion Bolo's Van-Damme Of Ocalicos Nacyki Evita Peron Of Farallon Champion Garingay Cato Gemkin Video Design (3)